All photographs were taken by the Ambling Wanderer

Monday, January 13, 2014

Butter and Eggs, Linaria vulgaris

Butter and Eggs
Linaria vulgaris

- Butter and Eggs -

Butter and eggs, or toadflax, is a small, humble wildflower common throughout North America. The wildflower stands about 12-24 inches tall with yellow snapdragon-like blossoms. However, like the deptford pink, this wildflower is not native to the continent. It was introduced from Eurasia to North America in the 17th century because of its ornamental and supposed medical purposes.

The following are some of toadflax's medicinal properties. (Please note, I have neither tested any of these remedies nor do I validate their effectiveness.) A tea made from the plant has diuretic properties ideal for jaundice and liver conditions. A poultice can be made to treat hemorrhoids. An ointment made from the whole plant can be used to treat ulcers and skin eruptions. And, apparently, the wildflower can be used as a insecticide if the flowers are infused in milk.

- Toad-faced Toadflax -

Learn about the Cardinal Flower HERE

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